A downloadable tool

-> Unknown Aggie just landed.  05/16/2021
Hey Aggies, 
Do you even know the city? I am here in Davis, and I know something...


1. Make sure you have a channel called general in your server

2. Use the following Link to bring this bot to your server


3. You just need to keep chatting on the server with your friends. Once the unknown aggie catches a keyword, he/she will share more information with you. 

4. Type $info in chat to learn about the bot

5. Type  ${The_Answer} in the channel to test if you get the final answer

Disclaimer: All the contents here are coming from internet. The user assumes all responsibility to any person as a consequence of any reliance upon the informationcontained in this bot(Software/Program). Under no circumstances, including negligence, shall anyoneinvolved in creating or maintaining this bot(Software,Program) be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, specialot consequential damages, or loss profits that result from the use or inability to use the website and/orany other websites which are linked to this bot(Software, Program). Nor shall they be liable for any suchdamages including, but not limited to, reliance by a member or visitor on any information bobtained via the bot(Software, Program). States of Countries which do not allow some or all of the above limitations of liability,liability shall be limited to the greatest extent allowed by law

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